Deep (core) thoughts at 35 weeks

Been studying natal fitness as I go through my own first pregnancy, and it feels very life imitating art imitating life. From the page to my pelvic floor... Got some fun content planned for those on that journey, but for now (at 35 weeks), my #1 takeaways:

Main lesson: relearning how to breathe

Strengthening the deep, inner core (diaphragm, transverse abs, pelvic floor) is central (heh) to managing pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and beyond. But when exercising while pregnant, it’s a real no-no to hold your breath (the way you would for traditional lifting). Breathing continuously through strength movements meant unlearning more instinctive breaths like holding for stability or grunting “heuh!” before doing the thing. For something so subtle to be so powerful feels like the right femme badass energy to be channeling as I prep for what’s ahead.

But I have a hunch we could all use some breathwork challenges, not just in our yoga or meditation but our strength training and functional challenges too. “Heuh!” before we lift a heavy box has helped us protect our back, but what if we could develop spine-supporting strength authentically (aka sans weight belt)? Might mean training with lower weights (aka sans ego), but remembering to focus not just on the big, sexy stuff but also on quieter challenges (mobility, embodiment) will only serve us well in the long run (do I already sound like a ma or what?). Try continuously breathing through your next lift — in the gym or normal life — and hone your deepest, dankest muscles.

Main challenge: empowerment without guilt

Reading stats re: impact of exercise & nutrition during this period is both inspiring and unnerving. I feel like I can do so much for this future human, just by drinking water, eating clean, going for walks, getting my blood pumping, and sleeping. I feel like a mammalian comic-book hero, nurturing new fucking life in my very own flesh. But then maybe I eat a bunch of candy or feel anxious about a thing, and I get a second wave of visceral guilt — every input, echoed.

It is strange to no longer know where your boundaries and balance might be. You used to be able to do this, but now your joints are unreliable. You spent your first trimester in nauseated limbo, is it any wonder you’d then want to treat yourself somewhat delicately? From the very beginning, friends and loved ones want to carry your bags, save you the walk, do it for you. Yet at the end of this period awaits a challenge more physically demanding than most otherwise experience (plus years of child/gear schlepping to follow). What a lovely paradox!

So here I am, still lifting heavy shit but with greater awareness and deeper breaths, still pushing my heart-lung system to perform under stress but with longer rests and less jerkiness. And while there is so much out of our control, I will say I have yet to experience (knock on wood) back pain, swollen limbs, or excessive weight gain. I can be strong without having to be a saint, I can take care of myself and the baby at the same time, and I must ultimately trust, as always, what feels good deep deep down inside.

What’s your take on this fertile challenge?


The tiny-yet-mighty ergo challenge


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